
THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格

THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格,總而言之它的評價很高真的不錯

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THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格 開箱文 博客來網路書店

內容簡介: Commemorating 90th Anniversary of the formation of Whampoa Military Academy and looking back a long historical journey of Eastward Expedition, Northward Expedition, Counter-insurgency, War of Resistance against Japan, Rebellion Suppression Campaign and several battles in Taiwan Strait, numerous Whampoa martyrs dedicated their lives and made ultimate sacrifice to fulfill the obligation of defending country and protecting the people at every critical moment for domestic upheavals, foreign invasion and national survival.
They are immortal model for revolutionary soldiers.

博客來網路書局Their splendid deeds have made glorious history. As an illustrated history publication, this book meticulously selected more than 300 photos (pictures) to showcase the development course of Whampoa Military Force and events in various stages.

By doing so, we hope to commemorate extremely difficult and hard fighting historical moments of the Armed Forces and publicize the contributions of the ROC Armed Forces in defending country and protecting the people; and even more important, to motivate members of the ROC Armed Forces to follow examples of their successors, continue this heritage博客來 and carry on the glory of Whampoa Spirit.


THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:國防部史政編譯室史政處    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2014/06/02
  • 語言:英文

THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格 評比 博客來網路書局

THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格

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THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格
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THE GLORY OF WHAMPOA:the 90th Anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy[精裝]價格


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